The words Carp and City dont always make a lot of sense together but as we discovered recently it is probably some of the most exciting fishing to be had. We did a few sessions in our city and were surprised with some truly stunning fish…both big and small.
Some or most of us (anglers) live close to some form of river system or stream or canal. These normally run into some form of dam somewhere and the curious anglers will always go have a look to see if you cant see some sort of fish activity. South Africa is blessed to have carp (and barbel) swimming in almost every fresh water system and if you stick around and look carefully you will almost every time see a fish or 2.
Over November and December we discovered some leke spots around where we live which had some great looking fish. The one dam is situated next to a busy mall had some very hungry carp ready to smash a bread anytime. But we soon realised they spook easily and once you had one on the bank it was very difficult to get another to take the bait. But nevertheless it was so much fun catching these little ones off the surface and really was worth spending an hour or 2 for a quick bite in the afternoon.
Then we had some great fun at our local urban spot next to a busy highway catching absolute monsters. These were not easy to catch by any means as the population carp in this dam is very small and the barbel count is still high so you have to fight your way through the nucance barbel to eventually get to the carp and then hopefully get into the bigger ladys that swim there. We also found that these carp cannot resist a psycho skitzo boilie and were swimming right past any other bait we put out. One of the favourite catches was by a Alicia who managed to hook into one of the most beautiful golden ghosties we’ve ever seen. It weighed in at just over 10kg so not massive but seeing that fish flash its golden colours as it turned in the water was incredible. We called this fish the Golden Ghosty.
Mr Psycho himself Marc Williams also managed to catch an absolute beast and till this day have been the biggest that we have seen come out of the dam. We are hopeful that sooner or later we will see even bigger fish as more quality bait goes into the water and these guys get a grow a bit more.
Here’s a shot of that fat belly female that Marc managed to out smart
Marc was carrying the Prologic Stalker bag and fishing his 6ft Daiwa telescopic rod available from Allout Angling. All the Prologic Gear is available online or phone Marc 082 396 2490 to get prices on Prologic and of course Psycho Baits boilies and tigernuts that put us into the fish. You can buy Psycho Baits online here and the Karpioene clothing.
Most of all…All Carp are to be protected and enjoyed. Get your lines in!